comany's experience and credentials served as important indicators of its ability
to complete successfully a variety of different assignments and respond
effectively to diverse challenges. Time and time again RDSA met and exceeded
its clients expectations.
The assignments
carried out by R. Dixon Speas Associates ranged from market studies
and strategy development to maintenance improvement and safety audits.
The projects described below are typical of the assignments that RDSA
completed on behalf of clients:
89 regulatory compliance and recommended practices audits of Part
135 charter vendors of a major fractional operator.
60 Regulatory compliance and safety management system audits of
Part 135 and Part 91(k) operators as an accredited Air Charter Safety
Foundation audit company.
a comprehensive industrial safety audit of ground handling and
maintenance operations for a major airline.
a comprehensive operations and maintenance safety audit of a
major airline covering all aspects of the airlines
operations on behalf of the Chairman and CEO to ensure that
all internal and externally mandated procedures were being followed
and that the airline was meeting or exceeding safety requirements.
a system-wide maintenance and operations safety audit of a regional
airline after separate companies had been merged into a
single operation to ensure compliance with the newly-established
common procedures.
an operations and maintenance safety audit of a business
aircraft operators corporate aviation department involving
both fixed and rotary wing aircraft.
an operations and maintenance safety audit of a large petroleum
companys corporate aviation department involving
a variety of rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft employed in various
functions, including employee and cargo transport, air ambulance
services, aerial inspection and security, at several locations.
an operations and maintenance safety audit of an air medical
service involving both rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft located
at a central base as well as several remote bases.

Compliance Audits
- Conducted
a pre-NASIP audit of a maintenance organizations
principal commercial aircraft maintenance facility, using the
FAA NASIP checklist as a guide, to detect any situations requiring
attention prior to a scheduled FAA NASIP audit and to recommend
best practices.
a major airline to redesign the airport operations control
center at its major hub. Worked with airline staff to develop
detailed procedures for coordinating all airport activities
under the control of the airline. Also helped create a training
program for each position in the center for both normal and
irregular operations.
and analyzed line maintenance staffing and scheduling at the
principal hub of a major airline and compared it with
the practices of other carriers, leading to recommendations
to increase staff productivity and improve dispatch reliability.
Maintenance Management
the operator of a large helicopter fleet to improve the
productivity and efficiency of its maintenance operations. Analyzed
processes and procedures; identified bottlenecks, inefficiencies
and constraints; determined root causes of problems; developed
solutions and prepared a plan for implementing solutions.
interim maintenance management personnel to a US national
airline while the airline conducted a search for permanent
aircraft maintenance experience, particularly at the hub of
a major airline, to determine why so many aircraft were
being taken out of service for unscheduled maintenance. Recommended
changes in maintenance and engineering procedures and policies
to resolve problems and reduce frequency of aircraft substitution.
a US national airline to restructure its maintenance
operations control center to interact more effectively on a
real-time basis with the systems operations center. Revised
and updated the maintenance control center processes and manual
to reflect changes in the structure, organization and operating
a US national airline to reestablish its maintenance
function and recover its operating certificate after it had
been surrendered following the loss of an aircraft. Managed
each maintenance facility for three months as it came back on
line to ensure adherence to required safety and operating procedures.
a comprehensive review of the maintenance organization of a
charter operator with the objective of re-engineering
and staffing the organization to improve its support of a fleet
of approximately 30 managed aircraft.

and Procedures
a US national airline to develop and implement an ETOPS
program to permit operating newly-acquired B767 aircraft on
trans-oceanic routes, including training of maintenance and
flight operations personnel in the new procedures, obtaining
FAA approval, and monitoring initial operations.
assistance in development of manuals and procedures, specification
of facilities and training of personnel to enable a European
maintenance organization to obtain certification as an
FAA-approved Part 145 foreign repair station.
policies, procedures and documentation for maintenance and operations
manuals for a fixed base operator as required to obtain
a Part 135 certificate.
- Prepared
a FAR 145 Repair Station manual for a state government agency
in accordance with new FAA guidance.
the air transportation requirements of a Fortune 100 business
aircraft operator and developed a strategy for increasing
travel effectiveness while reducing costs. Formulated and evaluated
options ranging from restructuring the flight department and
renewing its fleet to contracting out the operation of the aircraft.
a fixed base operator to formulate a business development
strategy for expanding its operations and customer base to include
a larger mix of jet aircraft. Helped the client evaluate options
for achieving the desired growth. Identified business processes
that required modification to support the projected growth and
Studies and Forecasts
a worldwide market study and five-year sales forecast for an
aircraft manufacturers entire line of business jets.
Estimated sales and market share for all aircraft and recommended
marketing strategies and procedures to increase market share.
a market study and ten-year sales forecast for new jet aircraft
produced by a business aircraft manufacturer. Employed
focus group methods to obtain primary market information. Covered
world markets, with major emphasis on the US market.
a comparative analysis and market survey of advertising and
its effects on the business jet market for a business aircraft
manufacturer. Study encompassed methods and media of advertising,
emphasis on features and attributes, marketing channels, etc.
On behalf
of an aircraft manufacturer, surveyed existing and potential
seaplane operators in North America, Central America and the
Caribbean to determine their requirements for new aircraft and
their potential interest in acquiring a new amphibious aircraft
about to enter production.
For a fixed
base operator, prepared a five-year forecast of world-wide
maintenance, repair and overhaul expenditures by business aircraft
operators, broken down by airframe, engine and avionics expenditures
for each of several categories of aircraft.
an equipment manufacturers market posture as
viewed by major airlines preparing to select new avionics
equipment for their aircraft fleets. Assessed relationships
between client and airline organizations and recommended actions
to qualify client as a potential supplier, leading to successful
launch of product.
the market for general aviation airborne telecommunications
systems and the equipment manufacturers position
in that market, recommended strategic and tactical measures
to increase sales and revenues, and forecast likely sales
of the various products for several potential market development

market research and developed financial projections to identify
potentially viable locations in support of the expansion strategy
of a fixed base operator. Two new airport locations were
opened as a result of the research findings.
a fixed base operator to evaluate the feasibility of
an aircraft painting facility. Forecast likely demand, analyzed
technology and process options, interviewed existing operators
to identify best practices and potential problems, estimated
costs and benefits, and prepared an implementation program.
and Asset Appraisal
maintenance records and current condition of several B767 aircraft
from three different operators as input to a US national
airlines process of evaluating available aircraft
for acquisition and integration into a newly-established B767
a diminution of value appraisal of a damaged business jet aircraft
on behalf of its corporate operator and owner.
Selection and Use
mission requirements, aircraft capabilities and aircraft operating
and capital costs and developed a fleet plan for the corporate
aviation department of a major pharmaceutical company.
the requirements imposed by a business aircraft operators
proposed missions, compared the requirements with the capabilities
of the aircraft available in the marketplace, and recommended
the most appropriate aircraft to satisfy the clients needs.
the potential viability of employing the business aircraft of
a state aviation department in a shuttle service. Used
motor pool and air service travel data to forecast demand, estimated
operating costs and charge-backs for various load factors, designed
an employee survey and prepared operational recommendations.
Service Development
For an
international airport, performed market research and
air service development initiatives involving passenger forecasts,
aircraft selection, and cost, revenue and profitability forecasts.
Developed and presented market proposals complete with schedules
and forecasts to senior executives at six airlines.
with a local consultant to assist an Asian airport authority
to plan the development of a new air logistics center and foreign
trade zone on the airport.

